Register to Use Crowdsourced Weather Routing

Standard marine weather (GRIB) forecasts are not very reliable because they come from satellite imaging, not from actual weather measurements. They may have been made hours ago, and assume that the wind is the same everywhere within giant cells (which is not true).

The wireless SailTimer Wind Instrument™ is the first wind sensor with crowdsourcing for better marine weather and navigation. The SailTimer Air Link™ can crowdsource from wired or wireless anemometers. The SailTimer™ app on Android can display contour lines for crowdsourced wind zones, to help plan your optimal route. Register below to use SailTimer products with crowdsourced marine weather, or to share your own data and improve navigation for all.


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SailTimer led an 8-company consortium on crowdsourced wind maps and the new
S-100 industry standard for marine charts, with funding from Ocean Supercluster
(press release PDF). Project overview in this video (1 minute and 36 seconds).

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